2016, BA (hons) Communication Design, Glasgow School of Art: First Class Honours
Exhibitions and Residencies
2022, a familiar plough into the knot of a tie, CCA Intermedia Gallery, Glasgow (solo show)
2022, UKNA Derry Weekender, CCA Derry~Londonderry (artist residency)
2021, A many-voiced argument with life, Market Gallery, Glasgow (group show)
2019, Platform: 2019, Edinburgh Art Festival, The Fire Station, Edinburgh (group show)
2019, Scottish Artist Residency, Dumfries House, Cumnock (artist residency)
2019, Get Lucky, Sound of the Summer, 49 West Princes Street, Glasgow (group show)
2019, Belly Tree, Poetry Club, Glasgow (performance)
2017-2019, Rhythm Machine, Summerhall Edinburgh/The Art School Glasgow (various duo performances w/ Robert Mills)
2018, Fantom Salon, Old Hairdressers, Glasgow International, Glasgow (performance)
2018 - KNOCK KNOCK: Humour in Contemporary Art, South London Gallery, London (group show)
2018 - Total Enlightenment, Good Press, Glasgow, (solo show)
2018 - Out of the Box, Moravian Gallery, Brno Biennale, Brno, (group show)
2016 - An Attempt to Articulate, The Brew, London, (group show)
2016 - Glasgow School of Art Degree Show, Reid Building, Glasgow, (undergraduate degree show)
2016 - AATA, WIP Show The Whisky Bond, Glasgow, (group show)
2016, Ultimate Solitude, The Art School, Glasgow, (duo performance w/ Lachlan McFeely Bolt)
2015, Invisible Ink, Gershman Hall, Philadelphia, (group film screening)
Illustration and Publications
2020 - 2022, Glasgow Sculpture Studio, Sculpture Club at Home, remote workshop programme
2021, Letters from Assynt #2
2021, Communal Leisure #4
2017-2021, Elephant Magazine #33, #35, #36, #38, #39, #40, #41, #42
2019, FARE Magazine #5
2018, Bunged, published by O PANDA GORDO, artist book
2018, Total Enlightenment, self-published, artist book